- Dates26 February 2016 - 23 April 2016
- Artists
by Barbara Buchmaier and Christine Woditschka
...Ja, die metallischen Farben liegen drüber, Silber, Gold, irisierendes Gold. Die verkrusteten und geprägten 3D-Oberflächen der Bilder werden geschminkt. Lipstick touches the earth, makes up the broken continent. Schillernder Schinken, dicke Haut. Dort sind es Rocaillen, Rosetten, da drüben Wirbelsäulenfragmente, Skelett-Teile, Viszera. Von Öl bedeckter Muschelkalk. Korallenriff, Magma, ein Opal – noch ungeschliffen im Rohgestein.
Jetzt sehe ich Regenbogeneffekte, so wie auf den spiegelnden Oberflächen von DVDs.
cave purple / force green
iron green / cargo khaki / golden loden / medium mint
deep burgundy / hyper punch / team red / action red
silver wing / hyper grape / hyper jade / pure platinum
baroque brown / flat opal / ale brown / red clay
umber / court purple / flat gold / hyper jade
sail / neutral grey / laser blue / black
wolf grey / white / anthracite / infrared
light ash / light ash grey / copper flies
ivory / metallic gold / metallic silver / black
gridiron / pink
black / volt / anthracite / metallic silver
black reptile / black
(NIKE Sneaker-Colorcodes 2014)
Purple, purple dust, urban haze. Purpurner Regen. Kings andQueens. Dolce & Gabbana-Ritter, Blutdiamanten!
Ich rieche den Nebel, und ich fühle – eine feine Dunstglocke über mir – den Schwindel, den Rausch, und endlich erahne ich, in Auflösung begriffen:
Das ist nicht das Ende aller Zeiten, es ist der Anfang!
„This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.“ (Crowley)
Sudden Epiphany
Diese Bilder sind Hybride. Sie pendeln zwischen den saisonalen Zirkeln der Mode und der Kunst, den Moden der Kunst, in der Kunst.
Stränge, die wie Zöpfe aufgetragen und gefärbt werden. Das sind Cornrows! In ihrer repetitiven und labyrinthischen Struktur gleichen sie Gehirnwindungen, die außen am Schädel dransitzen, dort appliziert sind.
Ich sehe Kalligrafie, ich sehe Tätowierungen, die Farbe von Haut und Tätowierungen, ich sehe Ink, Grills, punziertes, geprägtes Leder.
Und auf einmal noch viel mehr : Prints, All-Over-Prints, Netzstoffe, Cut-Outs, mikroskopische Bakterien-Bilder, digitale Effekte und Filter!
Lass es dir auf der Zunge zergehen, bitte!...
...Yes, the metallic colors are placed over them, silver, gold, iridescent gold. The encrusted and embossed 3D surfaces of the images are made up. Lipstick touches the earth, makes up the broken continent. Shimmering ham, thick skin. There are rocailles, rosettes; over there are fragments of the spine, skeleton fragments, viscera. Muschelkalk covered in oil, coral reefs, magma, an opal, still uncut.
Now I see rainbow effects like those on the reflective surface of DVDs.
cave purple / force green
iron green / cargo khaki / golden loden / medium mint
deep burgundy / hyper punch / team red / action red
silver wing / hyper grape / hyper jade / pure platinum
baroque brown / flat opal / ale brown / red clay
umber / court purple / flat gold / hyper jade
sail / neutral grey / laser blue / black
wolf grey / white / anthracite / infrared
light ash / light ash grey / copper flies
ivory / metallic gold / metallic silver / black
gridiron / pink
black / volt / anthracite / metallic silver
black reptile / black
(NIKE sneaker color-codes 2014)
Purple, purple dust, urban haze. Purple rain, kings and queens. Dolce & Gabbana knights, blood diamonds !
I can smell the fog, and I feel — a fine dome of vapor above me — vertigo, delirium, and I am finally aware, caught in the process of dissolution :
It’s not the end of time, but the beginning!
“This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.” (Crowley)
Sudden Epiphany
These paintings are hybrids. They sway between the seasonal cycles of fashion and art, the fashions of art, in art.
Threads applied like braids and then dyed. They look like cornrows ! Their repetitive and labyrinthine structures are similar to cerebral gyri that sit outside the skull, affixed right there.
I see calligraphy, I see tattoos, the color of skin and tattoos, I see ink, grills, chased, embossed leather.
And suddenly a great deal more as well: prints, all-over prints, mesh fabrics, cut-outs, images of microscopic bacteria, digital effects and filters!
Let it slowly melt on your tongue!...
translation by Brian Currid
Excerpt from Die anwesenden Eltern, 2015
Dominik Sittig2016Acrylic and textile on canvas
50 × 43 cm -
Dominik Sittig2016Acrylic and textile on canvas
50 × 40 cm -
Dominik Sittig2016Acrylic and textile on canvas
60 x 60 cm -
Dominik Sittig2016Acrylic and textile on canvas
50 × 40 cm -
Dominik Sittig2016Acrylic and textile on canvas
100 × 85 cm

Dominik Sittig
Dominik Sittig was born in 1975 (Deutschland, Nürnberg) and was largely influenced creatively by the 1980s. The generation of artists that grew up in, and were inspired by, the 1980s was influenced by a period of rapidly growing global capitalism, political upheaval, significant wealth discrepancy, global mass media and distinctive music and fashion, including electronic pop music and hip hop. The 1980s was the era of African famine, the height of the Cold War, and also the end of it, as marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall. significant art movements of the era include Neo Geo, The Pictures Generation and the international trend of Neo-Expressionism which manifested in Germany, the USA and Italy (where it was known as Transavanguardia). The decade was exemplified by artists like Anselm Kiefer, Jörg Immendorf, Enzo Cucchi, Francesco Clemente and Julian Schnabel. Street art and graffiti started to gain recognition, key artists of which include Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring and Kenny Scharf.