Museum exhibition


Lin May Saeed
ARTZUID, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1 July - 17 October 2021

ARTZUID is the leading Sculpture Biennale of the Netherlands. Every two years, 50 high-profile sculptures are exhibited for four months on the green lanes of Amsterdam Zuid. Our mission is to create a new meeting place on the street with a museum-quality selection of sculptures and to make art accessible to everyone free of charge.

The 7th edition of ARTZUID will take place from 1 July to 17 October 2021. The Amsterdam Sculpture Biennial will present an experience exhibition with more than 50 works of art along the 5 km route. The heart of the exhibition is in Berlage’s monumental Plan Zuid with its leafy Apollolaan and Minervalaan.

This summer, the seventh edition of ARTZUID will focus on engagement. The sculptures of city sculptor Hildo Krop are the inspiration for the ARTZUID 2021 exhibition concept. In 1917, construction began on the southern extension of the city of Amsterdam, the so-called Plan-Zuid, designed by architect H.P. Berlage. On countless façades and bridges, Krop’s sculptures, full of symbolism, shine forth about a better world for man, animal and nature.

ARTZUID 2021 is entitled Imagine and features artists with engagement, who work in a figurative and expressive style. What about Krop’s ideals 100 years later? And which subjects are topical today: climate, equality, health, nature and animal welfare, etc.? This year it is exactly 50 years ago that John Lennon wrote the song IMAGINE:

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I am not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will be as one.

At ARTZUID, the participating artists are our dreamers, just like HildoKrop 100 years ago and John Lennon 50 years ago. They question the current state of the world and take us along to their ideal. The artists want to awaken something in the visitors, to think about a better world and to set personal goals. What do you want to do to leave the world better for future generations, our children and their children?

Among the participants are big names: David Bade, Joseph Klibansky, Sokari Douglas Camp, Arne Quinze, Raquel van Haver, Fernando Sánchez Castillo, KAWS, Lin May Saeed, Nelson Carillho, Marieke Bolhuis, Tal R, Jonathan Meese, Anne Wenzel and Tirzo Martha.

For more information please visit ARTZUID.

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